• Modular system.
  • Controlled from the parking lot, or the input of staff and visitors to their performance in production lines or offices or in different areas or departments of the Organization.
  • Reporting and statistical reports , which allow real-time status of attendance, punctuality , shifts, overtime , vacation, productivity , performance, audits etc.
  • Security in the strict application of criteria for punctuality and attendance.
  • No margin for human error.
  • Ability to apply more than 150 criteria with over 50,000 combinations. Interface to any Payroll Software . Event log permits and authorizations in case of failures, delays , etc.
  • Audit to determine and monitor the proper use of the authorization levels .
  • The most simple and useful tool through graphs and heuristic analysis routines can compare and evaluate the performance per person , shifts, areas , periods , etc .. ( overtime , average hours worked , faults, rotation, etc. .. )
  • Files per person , photograph, fingerprint and digital signature, references, positions , salaries etc .. Organizational automatic photo .
  • He highest level of security
  • Highly reliable devices ( fingerprint, retinal scan , scanner, voice , hand geometry , smart card , proximity , etc ..)
  • Interact with access control devices ( automatic doors, turnstiles , pinwheels , feathers , parking sensors , alarms, etc ..)

Competitive Advantages ...